Unlock the Power of Drupal Webform for your CRM data: DrupalCon Portland 2022
Video Description
Speaker: Karin Gerritsen
The Drupal Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data. It is one of the most popular and amazing modules within the Drupal ecosystem. Whether you need a simple contact form or a multi-page form containing multiple input types with conditional logic, it is all possible!
Organizations often require pushing data from a webform into their Contact Relationship Management (CRM) system. I’ll explore and demo the options:
The Webform module ships with a cool Remote Post Handler option which allows you to push data into your external CRM by posting to a URL. I’ll show an example of how this works.
But what if your CRM is CiviCRM which is already installed on Drupal? The Webform CiviCRM module allows you to create form elements for all its CRM entities (Contacts, Contributions, Events, Memberships, Cases, Activities, Groups, Tags), with its robust Webform integration, creating a native experience for end-users. CiviCRM is Open Source too! I’ll show an example of how to create an “Application Review” process with the Webform CiviCRM and Views modules.
The Webform CiviCRM module has extensive automated Functional Javascript testing. We’ve even built a GitLab-to-GitHub bridge so that a Merge Request on Drupal GitLab will automatically create a Pull Request and kick off testing on GitHub Actions, utilizing the free resources on GitHub.
Acknowledgments: mglaman for helping me make this a reality and jrockowitz for his support and chats.
The Drupal Webform module allows you to build any type of form to collect any type of data. It is one of the most popular and amazing modules within the Drupal ecosystem. Whether you need a simple contact form or a multi-page form containing multiple input types with conditional logic, it is all possible!
Organizations often require pushing data from a webform into their Contact Relationship Management (CRM) system. I’ll explore and demo the options:
The Webform module ships with a cool Remote Post Handler option which allows you to push data into your external CRM by posting to a URL. I’ll show an example of how this works.
But what if your CRM is CiviCRM which is already installed on Drupal? The Webform CiviCRM module allows you to create form elements for all its CRM entities (Contacts, Contributions, Events, Memberships, Cases, Activities, Groups, Tags), with its robust Webform integration, creating a native experience for end-users. CiviCRM is Open Source too! I’ll show an example of how to create an “Application Review” process with the Webform CiviCRM and Views modules.
The Webform CiviCRM module has extensive automated Functional Javascript testing. We’ve even built a GitLab-to-GitHub bridge so that a Merge Request on Drupal GitLab will automatically create a Pull Request and kick off testing on GitHub Actions, utilizing the free resources on GitHub.
Acknowledgments: mglaman for helping me make this a reality and jrockowitz for his support and chats.