Building Versatile Design System for Enterprises - Prerequisites, Planning and Execution.

Video Description

Digital transformation helps organizations accelerate their product development lifecycle. But in this process, being able to maintain consistent brand identity across multiple touchpoints is equally crucial.

To strike this balance of product design and development, it becomes imperative for enterprises to identify the tools that can help them achieve the same.

A Design System is one such resource. It is a collection of design components (atoms, molecules, and organisms), and a systematic approach to product development with guidelines, processes, and code, that defines how these components should work together seamlessly. The standards cover guidelines for each component, typography standards, and content writing rules. Thus facilitating an enterprise to attain the required development velocity as well as maintain the brand identity.

The session will cover various aspects of how the design system was built from scratch, how it was merged into Drupal, and how it helped a global welfare organization roll out its 200+ websites with a consistent brand presence, within a few months.