MAKERS & BUILDERS - Low-Code Theming experience with UI Suite

Video Description

UI Suite is an unofficial Drupal initiative that aims to ease Drupal adoption by :

- Standardizing Design Systems integration inside Drupal Core Entity system
- Providing a Low-Code solution for site builders to theme Drupal Websites

The UI Suite ecosystem is composed of a cohesive set of modules that helps :

- Themers / Frontend developers implement full Design Systems (Layouts system, Styles/Helpers/Utilities, Components Library, Example pages)
- Site Builders use these implementations from Drupal backoffice (Layout Builder, Manage Display, Paragraphs, Views, Blocks, Flags, ...)
- Backend developers use these implementations via a nice and robust API

To date, the UI Suite ecosystem is used for several Design Systems and powers hundreds of websites :

- Frameworks : Bootstrap
- Large companies : Sephora, LVMH
- Public organisations : French State, European Commission

In this session we will showcase :
- Our objective and Motivation
- Our approach
- The solution
- Technical examples
- To date implementations and Roadmap