Building Cloudwatch Dashboards with Custom Drupal Metrics / Karl Hepworth / Web Tools & Technologies
Video Description
Building Cloudwatch Dashboards with Custom Drupal Metrics
Karl Hepworth
Time: Wednesday 19th October 09:55-10:30
Room: Elevate
Track: Web Tools & Technologies
Extracting and understanding key metrics in your application can provide powerful insight for product owners and developers.
Discover how you extend Drupal to create CloudWatch dashboards based on metrics from Drupal and see what insights they can provide.
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio
Karl Hepworth
Time: Wednesday 19th October 09:55-10:30
Room: Elevate
Track: Web Tools & Technologies
Extracting and understanding key metrics in your application can provide powerful insight for product owners and developers.
Discover how you extend Drupal to create CloudWatch dashboards based on metrics from Drupal and see what insights they can provide.
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio