Understanding React Hooks as a backend developer / Eric Goodwin / Drupal Development
Video Description
Understanding React Hooks as a backend developer
Time: Wednesday 19th October 13:20-13:55
Room: Elevate
Track: Drupal Development
As of version 16.8 React has added hooks which let your functional components use things like state without rewriting a class. Whilst it's not recommended to immediately convert all of your existing components, if you are starting a new react project, it's recommended to use Hooks.
As a primarily backend developer, I found writing react components with classes very logical and in many way similar to backend OO code. However, I was in for a shock when I started working with React Hooks and trying to create more complex components.
In this talk I aim to cover:
- What are react hooks?
- Mapping react hooks to something more familiar to backend developers
-- Similarities between event subscribers and hooks like useEffect
-- Understanding useState() and some nuances about working with lots of state variables
-- Passing state to child components
- Breaking down a few examples including some more complex components
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio
Time: Wednesday 19th October 13:20-13:55
Room: Elevate
Track: Drupal Development
As of version 16.8 React has added hooks which let your functional components use things like state without rewriting a class. Whilst it's not recommended to immediately convert all of your existing components, if you are starting a new react project, it's recommended to use Hooks.
As a primarily backend developer, I found writing react components with classes very logical and in many way similar to backend OO code. However, I was in for a shock when I started working with React Hooks and trying to create more complex components.
In this talk I aim to cover:
- What are react hooks?
- Mapping react hooks to something more familiar to backend developers
-- Similarities between event subscribers and hooks like useEffect
-- Understanding useState() and some nuances about working with lots of state variables
-- Passing state to child components
- Breaking down a few examples including some more complex components
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio