A case study about location based search on nsw.gov.au website / Jibran Ijaz / Showcases & Projec...
Video Description
A case study about location based search on nsw.gov.au website
Jibran Ijaz
Time: Thursday 20th October 14:05-14:40
Room: Ballroom 1
Track: Showcases & Project Management
The NSW Government Digital Channels team at the Department of Customer Service NSW is working on the OneCX program.
The OneCX program is transforming the customer’s digital experience of the NSW Government. It’s making it easier for customers to access the information they need, without having to understand or navigate the structure of government.
With over 750 websites across 10 NSW government clusters, the OneCX program is working with agencies to build nsw.gov.au as the single location for customers to source information.
It is very important to give the end user the ability to search the content based on their location for a site of this magnitude. Based on the type of content a location can consist of a few different things e.g. regions, suburbs, postcodes, street addresses, and, etc.
A location-based search on suburbs, postcodes, and addresses are relatively straightforward. The problem arises when the location-based search is built on top of regions. The region names, sizes, and boundaries are different for different agencies e.g. the Department of Premier and Cabinet NSW regions are different than the Transport for NSW regions.
There are 5+ different region types in NSW:
- Local health district
- Local government area
- Department of Premier and Cabinet regions
- Department of Communities and Justice regions
- Transport for NSW regions
- More…
This session is about the case study of building a solution for location-based content search:
- How can the content have different types of regions, suburbs, postcodes and street addresses attach to it?
- How to evolve the content data model based on all the location information?
- How can the content with different types of regions be searched based on postcodes and suburbs?
- How can the Drupal search API module help with the indexing of all the location data?
- How can the partially decoupled solution utilise all the location information to provide the proximity search?
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio
Jibran Ijaz
Time: Thursday 20th October 14:05-14:40
Room: Ballroom 1
Track: Showcases & Project Management
The NSW Government Digital Channels team at the Department of Customer Service NSW is working on the OneCX program.
The OneCX program is transforming the customer’s digital experience of the NSW Government. It’s making it easier for customers to access the information they need, without having to understand or navigate the structure of government.
With over 750 websites across 10 NSW government clusters, the OneCX program is working with agencies to build nsw.gov.au as the single location for customers to source information.
It is very important to give the end user the ability to search the content based on their location for a site of this magnitude. Based on the type of content a location can consist of a few different things e.g. regions, suburbs, postcodes, street addresses, and, etc.
A location-based search on suburbs, postcodes, and addresses are relatively straightforward. The problem arises when the location-based search is built on top of regions. The region names, sizes, and boundaries are different for different agencies e.g. the Department of Premier and Cabinet NSW regions are different than the Transport for NSW regions.
There are 5+ different region types in NSW:
- Local health district
- Local government area
- Department of Premier and Cabinet regions
- Department of Communities and Justice regions
- Transport for NSW regions
- More…
This session is about the case study of building a solution for location-based content search:
- How can the content have different types of regions, suburbs, postcodes and street addresses attach to it?
- How to evolve the content data model based on all the location information?
- How can the content with different types of regions be searched based on postcodes and suburbs?
- How can the Drupal search API module help with the indexing of all the location data?
- How can the partially decoupled solution utilise all the location information to provide the proximity search?
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio