Controlling Drupal via ChatGPT: Is Drupal coming for your Job?

Video Description

by Jamie Abrahams

Full Title: Controlling Drupal via ChatGPT: Is Drupal coming for your Job? Exploring creating Views and interacting with a Search API index.

Looking for the next big thing in Drupal? Look no further than ChatGPT! In this talk, you'll discover how large language models like ChatGPT 4 can produce effective code, including YAML files for Drupal. The presenters will demonstrate a small module that uses ChatGPT to create views entirely from scratch, giving you the power to control much of the functionality that a site builder once did using natural language. Plus, they'll showcase a document library that uploads PDFs and enables a Chatbot to ask questions based on Drupal permissions. With all the advancements happening in this space, this talk is sure to be an exciting and dynamic one that you won't want to miss!

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