What happens when USWDS meets Single Directory Components? The Governor.


Single Directory Components (SDC) is the largest shift in Drupal theming since the introduction of Twig over ten years ago. At its core, it allows components to be developed in an isolated environment, with the ability to be infinitely integrated into whatever Drupal template you need to.

Sounds like a perfect fit for the US Web Design System (USWDS), right?

In this session, we’ll walk attendees through how we converted various USWDS components to Drupal Single Directory Components, with the goal being able to pick and choose components from a built in library of USWDS and custom components.

Challenges of creating this theme include componentizing USWDS styles, markup, and dependencies, in addition to creating various non USWDS components to fill in gaps. We’ll also talk about the reasoning behind various opinionated architectural decisions that we hope will speed development of your next big project!

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