One-stop access to the Government of Canada’s searchable open data and open information

Video Description

Matt Cullen, Patrick Little, Will Hearn and its supporting system provides one-stop access to the Government of Canada’s searchable open data and open information, together with open dialogue, as part of the federal government’s commitment to enhance transparency and accountability.

In this session you will hear about what the Government of Canada’s current and planned activities for advancing Open Government are.

You will hear about how the Open Government Team operates the Open Government Portal and how we supervise the publishing of open data and information across all Government of Canada departments and agencies.

You will hear from the experts about the platform that powers the portal and the registry, including a brief technical overview of the finalized Drupal 8 port of the existing production site. We will be showcasing some of the new features added in the new platform, along with how particularly complex features were ported. Particularly you will hear about: The improved content layout workflow, Tighter integration with CKAN thanks to Search API, How we leveraged Drupal Lightning as a base framework, Lessons learned when migrated content from the legacy site to the new site, and How we developed completely in the open and any other developer can contribute to this work.