Device-Agnostic Content Strategy for Drupal

Video Description

Suzanne Dergacheva

We all know the importance of designing responsive websites that work across devices. Many websites are designed with a mobile-first approach or have a design that is customized for different screen sizes. But what about planning and organizing content that works well across devices? We can't always predict how users will consume content on different devices or how a designer or themer will target devices when displaying the content.

In this session, we'll look at ways of developing a content strategy that is future-thinking and device agnostic, and how we should take this into account when building out a Drupal 8 site.

Topics will include:

Goals for device-agnostic content
Creating effective navigation and user pathways
Considerations for media
Content previewing challenges
How to design more flexible data types
Landing pages and long-format content
Dealing with legacy content
This session is designed for site builders and content owners who are involved in the content strategy process and in planning out and building out information architecture in Drupal.