DrupalCamp Spain 2022 - Unity Blog use case Decouple Drupal GraphQL 4 Nextjs

Video Description

In this presentation we will talk about all technical details to have blog in Nextjs using GraphQL 4 with Drupal in the context of Unity Blog.

The topics we will cover in this presentation are:

Briefly GraphQL introduction.
Describe and show how map Drupal Entities into Graphql 4.
Describe and show how create an extensible structure.
Use of persistent queries and run GrapqhQL queries with Explorer.
Briefly Nextjs introduction.
Describe and show how run queries from Nextjs to Drupal GraphQL server.
Describe and show how display data from GraphQL in Nextjs components.
Learning after all...

Ponentes: Fran Seva y Eusebio
Nivel de experiencia: Avanzado
Temática: Development
Versión de drupal: 9
Idioma: Inglés