When to implement Drupal vs Highly Customized Drupal vs Custom Application
Video Description
Paul Dinelle & Jennifer MacKinnon
This presentation will review the criteria necessary to consider when determining whether to implement Drupal, when to implement & highly customize customize Drupal and when to go entirely custom and not use Drupal at all.
There are key criteria to consider during this requirements scoping exercise and making a decision to go Drupal when it doesn't work is detrimental. So understanding this, knowing the criteria to look for and how to determine which approach will be covered.
This presentation will review the criteria necessary to consider when determining whether to implement Drupal, when to implement & highly customize customize Drupal and when to go entirely custom and not use Drupal at all.
There are key criteria to consider during this requirements scoping exercise and making a decision to go Drupal when it doesn't work is detrimental. So understanding this, knowing the criteria to look for and how to determine which approach will be covered.