Why We Should Get Excited About ATAG 2.0

Video Description

Mike Gifford

ATAG 2.0 is the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines from the W3C. Most folks have trouble getting excited about any standard from the World Wide Web Consortium, but this one hits on a major pain point for many mid to large sized organizations. The content creator.

Everyone knows that Drupal 8 has a lot of “accessibility goodies” that just come with Core. Most of these improvements help web developers meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements of many sites when it launches. Immediately after launch content editors start adding content that breaks the site's accessibility.

This session will describe the two parts of ATAG 2.0 and how we have adopted this in Core. It will also highlight approaches that can be used for modules that will further improve the authoring experiences for improved accessibility.

Lots of institutions are now legally required to meet WCAG 2.0 AA standards for their site. ATAG 2.0 can make this requirement easier, no matter how many inexperienced content authors have write access.

By attending this presentation you’ll get an understanding of ATAG 2.0, Drupal 8’s accessibility features and the advantages for your team.
