Design Tools - Present and Future

Video Description

Meaghan Turner

It’s one thing to have the skills and the talent, but when it comes to creating comps and prototypes, it’s vital to have the right tools for the job. Finding a suite of tools that works for you, your co-workers, and -- most importantly -- your clients can help improve your design process and increase client satisfaction.

In this presentation we will look at the current design tools that are in use at Digital Echidna, discuss other tools that we may potentially investigate or test out, and look at the competitive market to see how other companies have addressed their design needs.

This presentation will address key topics including:

Is there a one-size-fits-all-solution for producing high-fidelity comps?
How important is UI to your selection -- and which tool has the most intuitive, clean, and efficient solution?
Does size matter? Which tools help control file sizes without sacrificing quality; and
What Echidna’s solution currently looks like. And what the future may hold.
There’s no hard-and-fast answer as to what’s the right solution in the long term. New technologies are constantly being presented and updated. But by understanding what your needs are, what your clients’ needs are, and the pros and cons of the tools that are out there, you can better make the right decision to improve user satisfaction and productivity.