Mercury Editor: Easy to Use, Drag and Drop Content Editing for Drupal

Video Description

Speaker: Seth Hill
Mercury Editor is a Drupal module that combines live preview, drag-and-drop editing, Drupal core's layout API, and the Layout Paragraphs module to provide an accessible, easy-to-use authoring experience. Designed to empower marketing and editorial teams everywhere, Mercury Editor offers a WYSIWYG interface for publishing highly visual, long-form content.

Learn how Mercury Editor empowers marketing and editorial teams to create highly visual, long form content – without relying on outside agencies or technical staff.

- Learn what Mercury Editor is and how it can help marketing and editorial staff more easily create visual, long-form content.
- Determine which types of content are best suited for component-based authoring and might benefit from Mercury Editor.
- Publish dynamic, long-form pages using Mercury Editor – without requiring developers or an outside agency.

This session is for two specific audiences: first, marketers or editors who publish long-form digital content; second, developers serving the needs of online publishers.

Experience publishing content with Drupal -- creating pages, using Drupal's existing WYSIWYG editor, and interacting with Drupal's admin pages.