Being well at your desk (& beyond) - practical accessible bitesize activities to support your life-w

Video Description

We all know movement, exercise and screen breaks are recommended, do we do them? Probably not as much as we should!

I’m sharing activities that can fit in your schedule at or near your desk!

This is an interactive workshop offering practical modifiable takeaways.

No equipment is required, except you and your chair. And ideally a bottle of water - hydration is fundamental to wellbeing.

I will demonstrate entry level bitesize activities, and offer modifications for anyone needing them. I’ll have a colleague following along and demonstrating these modifications.

We won't be working up a sweat - your normal clothes are fine, however; do keep in mind if you're wearing restrictive clothing that it could hinder your movement.

I invite you to participate by following along as this will maximise your understanding of how each movement will help and support you. I hope you will finish the session feeling refreshed.

Your participation is encouraged - however this is not compulsory.

If at any time you feel pain, discomfort or you have a known health issue which could be exacerbated by the movements demonstrated and or you feel unwell please advocate for yourself and stop.

In this 45 minute session there will be six bitesize movements which will be explained and demonstrated.

Each set of movements is about 5 minutes and is delivered within an easy to remember framework to enable each set to be done independently at your desk and beyond.

There is an assumption that you will be seated, however all exercises can be done in whatever position is available to you. As mentioned, modifications will be offered to support you to work safely and therefore effectively; you are also welcome to not partake in a set if it doesn't feel right for you.

Alongside the demonstrations and explanations, I will be using slides as visual prompts - with anatomical diagrams, specifying key words to support your understanding; these slides will be available prior to the session.

I will close the session with tips to support you and your team to maintain a healthy life-work balance. These are reminders to myself as much as for you.

If time allows I can do Q&A at the end of the session, if you wish to speak to me after, do come find me.

My relevant experience:

- Qualified teacher PGCE (10+ active years in education. using this experience to support my roles in the web industry)
- Web industry (14 + years, 10 of those years remotely)
- Shiatsu Practitioner this includes attainment of qualifications in Acupressure, Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathology., (8 + years, fully insured - professional indemnity and liability)
- Yoga Teacher Training qualification in progress - all movements have been ratified by my teacher (with 40+ years experience in the field)
- My own experiences with chronic health conditions, burnouts, including my own Neuro Diversity, gives me the drive to aim to be inclusive and to shine a light on how we can support our own wellbeing - whilst highlighting that a culture shift needs to happen to enable teams to feel supported in advocating for themselves.

Learning Objectives
To provide a toolkit of simple movements which can be done throughout the day to encourage and support a healthy life-work balance.

To provide team leaders with resources and an understanding of how to support the wellbeing of their colleagues and encourage self advocacy amongst the team.

These offerings are not a replacement for medical advice. If during the session (or after if you’re practising on your own) you feel any of these movements are challenging beyond the expected; for example - shortness of breath, dizziness, sudden stabbing pains - please stop and seek medical advice from your doctor.

Experience level