Texas Camp 2018 | Goldilocks Decoupled: What the Future Holds for Decoupled Publishing

Video Description

When Dries outlined the vision for "How to Decouple Drupal in 2018" we were left with a hard choice: Decouple and great benefits for Developers -- like performance, and shared server-side/client-side templates or keep things coupled and get a set of benefits for editors -- like control over layout and ease of previewing content. This is the question that we've been struggling to answer for our clients and started brainstorming about what it would take to bridge the gap and create the Goldilocks PageBuilder that gives developers and editors a rendering layer they both love. What we'll go over:

The hard choices that publishers need to make when choosing an architecture for their Drupal CMS.

What we can learn from other solutions like Washington Post's Arc platform, and the New York Times Scoop platform.
A vision for what responsibilities, traditionally handled by the CMS now belong to the "PageBuilder"

How to bring content together from various API Data Sources and what tools editors need to compose that content into meaningful packages -- all at the demanding pace of today's publishing cycle.

Mike Minecki
Michal Minecki is the Director of Technology at Four Kitchens. He has given numerous training at Drupalcon and was track chair for the Dev Ops track for Drupalcon Austin. He has spoken at numerous camps across the country about topics ranging from Headless Drupal to leadership in tech. He will be speaking on this very topic at the SLA (Special Libraries Association) Annual Conference later this year.
