Taking a Clients Business Worklow Online with no Custom Code

Video Description

By Jon Firebaugh

Built on Drupal 7, we took a clients workflow from Word and Excel templates to Drupal and in the process created a file repository for client uploads. We streamlined the workflow, used granular permissions to allow both vendors and clients to view only the project content related to them. Of interest is the use of the following modules: Display Suite, File Field Paths, Entity Reference, Entity Reference Autofill, Entity Connect, Auto Entity Label, Multiupload Filefield Widget, Field Group, Field Permissions, Conditional Fields, ACL, Content Access, Feeds, PDF using mPDF, and Rules to automate some node creation and permissions. Much of this should be transferable to Drupal 8 when the modules are stable and ported.

Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
A highly functional client solution can be built without custom code thanks to the work of the awesome Drupal community. It requires patience and extensive researching in the contrib space. Configuring the modules and some tips and pain points will be discussed.
