Conference Videos

Minicamp Atlanta 2016: Past, Present, & Future Of Event Registration Management In Drupal

Created October 31, 2016

Past Present and Future of Event Registration in Drupal A quick introduction to the RNG module is what is out for D8. For event registration, the...

Minicamp Atlanta 2016: Translating Deploy & Deploying Translations

Created October 31, 2016

Translating Deploy and Deploying Translations Demoing the Deploy Suite and Translations for Drupal 8. Todd Blumenthal I sold the family cow for a...

Minicamp Atlanta 2016: Drupal 8 + Foundation 6: The Perfect Combination

Created October 31, 2016

So you need a Drupal 8 theme and you need it fast. Only one problem—you’ve never worked with Drupal 8 before. And maybe you don’t have the time to...

Minicamp Atlanta 2016: Css Organization - Smacss In Drupal 8

Created October 31, 2016

Highlighting and detailing the efforts to standardize on SMACSS CSS file organization for the default Drupal 8 admin theme, as well as providing a...

Minicamp Atlanta 2016: Minimalist Theming: How To Build A Lean, Mean Drupal 8 Theme

Created October 31, 2016

Back in the Drupal 7 days (aka last year), we came across some pretty large, hard-to-maintain Drupal 7 sites. The theme was often responsible for a...