
It's the fifth and final day of DrupalCon Prague! Many of you are headed back home to your families, or out exploring this beautiful city, and many more of you are opting to share this beautiful day with us, indoors at the Congress Centre, sprinting hard on Drupal.


Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos

Drupalcon Prague 2013: Tutti Fan' Drupal - Welcome To Drupal(con)!

Created September 24, 2013

Why this session? - We want to set people up for success at the DrupalCon and in Drupal. This session helps newbies find their feet while getting a...

Drupalcon Prague 2013: Group Photo Time Lapse

Created September 26, 2013

Huge thanks to @schnitzel for taking our official group photo and capturing the fun of making it happen!

Drupalcon Prague 2013: Drupal 8 For Site Builders

Created September 26, 2013

Dries' dream to eliminate the programmer comes closer with every new major release of Drupal. While we are not there yet, Drupal 8 has become more...

Drupalcon Prague 2013: Are Gpl And Patents Limits Or Opportunities To Grow Business?

Created September 26, 2013

This talk is about the two most important intellectual property (IP) topics with open source: the GPL license and software patents. They are often...

Drupalcon Prague 2013: Selenium/webdriver: What, Where, Why And How

Created September 26, 2013

Selenium has been talked about in the Drupal circles for sometime now. It offers great promise in that it is a way to ensure all features of a site...