Conference Videos


Ux Field Research Basics

Created May 10, 2019

With the speed at which technology is changing, field research offers understanding into how products can impact the lives of your customers....

Cracking Drupal

Created May 10, 2019

As a member of the security team I have seen a lot of code and what can go wrong with it. This talk aims to educate you about the OWASP top 10 and...

Power Up Drupal 8 With Integrations: Cornell University Showcase

Created May 10, 2019

How does a global institution make it easier for students to discover and take advantage of extracurricular, travel, and research opportunities it...

Content Migration Strategy: A Tale Of Two Websites

Created May 10, 2019

When designing and building a website, too often companies deprioritize content. So it's no surprise that a top reason why site launches are delayed...

Speed Up Your D8 Deliveries With Cicd Pipeline

Created May 10, 2019

In this session i will focus on the Jenkins CICD pipeline setup done for D8 project, which can be reused by majority of D8 project with minor to no...

From User Stories To Use Cases: Tell The Full Story

Created May 10, 2019

Most of us have been trained to write user stories. As a [ type of user ], I want [ some goal ] so that [ some reason ]. We write these on...