
DrupalCamp Leuven 2013 took place from September 14 to September 15, 2013, at Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos

Jochen Verdeyen - Deploying Drupal With Capistrano

Created September 19, 2013

Updating your Drupal website gets boring after some time and it's time consuming anyway. And of course, we have some better things to do than just...

Matthias Vandermaesen - The Community: How Do I Get Involved?

Created September 20, 2013

Whether you're dabbling with Drupal on the side, or using it as a professional, you're not alone. There are many Drupal lovers like you. There's a...

Pieter-jan Drouillon - Developing A Html5 Client With Lightswitch

Created September 20, 2013

Writing a HTML5 Client from scratch is a tedious job. Anything that can lighten the burden is more than welcome.

David Kitchen - Subscriptions With Drupal Commerce

Created September 20, 2013

An introduction to the new Recurring Framework module for Drupal Commerce and how to use it with Card on File module to build a membership...

Maarten De Block - Building A Drupal 8 Module

Created September 20, 2013

A lot has changed in Drupal 8 for developers. To make you familiar with some of the biggest changes, a small module will be built during this session

Dominique De Cooman - Working With Offshore Developers

Created September 21, 2013

At Dropsolid we have a lot of experience managing offshore development teams. We would like to share the knowledge we gained about this topic.