
BADCamp is a Drupal conference for the people. It’s an annual celebration of open-source software in Berkeley, California. In 2017 we had four days of talks, trainings, summits, sprints and socials with some of the brightest minds from all over the world, all for FREE!


Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos


Two+ Years Of Backdrop Cms

Created October 23, 2017

Jen Lampton and Nate Haug Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork. It is a faster and less-complex version of Drupal 7 with many of the top 50 Drupal 7...

Building A Data Sharing Cloud On Drupal 8

Created October 23, 2017

Amit Chourasia & David Nadeau, SDSC/UCSD Drupal provides a rich content management system, but file handling remains a weakness. In this talk we...

Getting Started With Module Development

Created October 23, 2017

Manish Champsee This session is targeted to people who have experience as Drupal site-builders who are looking to get started with module...

Layout All The Things! (in Core!)

Created October 23, 2017

Kris Vanderwater Drupal contrib has long attempted to provide page layout tools to augment what Drupal core's block placement utilities can do. Over...

Shift Left Testing & Continuous Collaboration

Created October 23, 2017

Jody Hamilton and Thom Toogood Testing has become an integral part of Drupal development but often it's often only focused on technical aspects and...

Too Many Cooks! Supporting Augmented Teams Without Getting Salty

Created October 23, 2017

Stephanie El-Hajj Amazee Labs prides itself on delivering projects our clients love. Our scrum teams turn out projects like a well-oiled machine,...