
Baltimore Drupal Camp was held in Baltimore for the open source content management platform, Drupal. The event invited developers, site-builders, content administrators, designers, and anyone interested in using Drupal in their organization or upcoming project. The program consisted of a keynote to start off the day followed by various session tracks.

Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos

Keynote: How To Fall In Love With Drupal Again (matt Westgate)

Created October 30, 2018

Drupal is a couple years away from being 20 years old. In this talk, Matt Westgate will earn his 2,275 user_id from and share his high,...

Shift Left Testing For Continuous Collaboration (alex Urevick-ackelsberg)

Created October 30, 2018

Testing has become an integral part of the Drupal development process, but it's frequently centered around technical aspects and is only implemented...

What Are User Journeys, What Is User Journey Mapping, & Why Should I Care? (chad Hester)

Created October 30, 2018

Understanding user journeys will help us to analyze a person's feelings, thoughts, and touchpoints as they move through different stages in the...

The Medium Is The Massage 2.0 (daniel Schiavone)

Created October 30, 2018

“The medium, or process, of our time—electric technology—is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our...

From User Acceptance Testing To Automated Testing (stephen Cross)

Created October 30, 2018

Development workflows, continuous integration and automated testing are a hot topics, and should be. As teams rush to implement and improve their...

Using Machine Learning To Improve Ux (chris Zietlow)

Created October 30, 2018

Drupal excels at empowering people to manage data and curate their content. With the initiative towards further decoupled architectures, we can serve...