
DrupalCamp Frankfurt 2014 #dcffm14 took place from April 12 to April 13, 2014, in Frankfurt, Germany.

Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos

Introduction To Drupal Rules

Created April 25, 2017

In this session the basic Rules concepts will be introduced, such as events/reactions, conditions, actions, data types, data input methods, lists and...

Von Drupal 7 Zu Drupal 8

Created April 25, 2017

Session vom Drupal Camp Frankfurt 2014 Hier geht es um eine Anfänger-Session für jene, die bereits Drupal 7 kennen, aber noch keine Zeit hatten,...

Erpal 3 Preview - Now Based On Drupal Commerce

Created April 25, 2017

A first preview of the ERPAL 3 architecture How we use Drupal Commerce to build a rock solid base for enterprise applications How you can extend...

Drupal 8 Theming: Twig (all The New Awesome)

Created April 25, 2017

Keynote session of the Drupal Camp Frankfurt 2014 The Themers of Drupal have for years been whining & moaning over the "rich markup" markup,...