
Similar to previous years, we had a full day of trainings, over 25 informative sessions, and multiple opportunities to learn from the community and how you can contribute back.

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Conference Videos


Moving Our Company Site From Drupal 7 To 8: Sharing Our Experience

Created February 6, 2017

By Jorge Diaz Dave Vasilevsky In this presentation, Dave & I will describe the entire process of moving our legacy company website (Drupal 7, built...

Partnering With Non-drupal Designers

Created February 6, 2017

By Christina Dulude Or: Why can’t we all just get along? Drupal's theme layer can be daunting to the uninitiated. What can go wrong when...

Drupal8 Module Development: Mad With Power

Created February 6, 2017

By Ted Bowman Module development in Drupal 8 is drastically different from Drupal 7 and previous versions of Drupal. This presentation will...

Making Your Life Easier With Behat + Mink + Drupal Extension

Created February 6, 2017

By Luis Ribeiro In this session we will show how amazing is this Behavior Driven Framework and how fast is to implement it and have the amazing...

Taking Drupal 8 Sites Offline: Airplane Mode Surfing!

Created February 6, 2017

By Ryan Weal This talk will introduce you to HTML5 features that can be used to make your Drupal 8 content available offline. Users of the site will...

Building Webforms In Drupal 8

Created February 6, 2017

By Jacob Rockowitz The Webform 8.x-5.x module (previously known as YAML Form module) is a form builder and submission manager for Drupal 8. The...