
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015 was held from September 21–25 in the sunny, vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. It was a DrupalCon like no other, offering attendees the chance to enjoy the final days of summer while creating unforgettable memories with the Drupal community.

Start Date

Start Date

Conference Videos

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: "how To Maximize Your Sponsorship"

Created September 9, 2015

A brief run down of tips, techniques, and suggestions of how to maximize your time as a sponsor of DrupalCon Barcelona 2015. Presented by Tim...

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: Driesnote

Created September 22, 2015

Belgium born Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert is a pioneer in the open source web publishing and collaboration platform space. Dries is passionate...

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: Reverse Engineering People

Created September 22, 2015

From designers, to DevOps, to your favourite personality-driven work-place scandal, there are a lot of people talking about empathy and why it's so...

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: Let's Build It On Drupal 8

Created September 22, 2015

If you are working with Drupal 7 and you want to know how to do it in Drupal 8, this is your session! Drupal 8 has become more powerful and flexible...

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: Configuration Deployment Best Practices In Drupal 8

Created September 22, 2015

Configuration Management is a game changer for Drupal development. Understanding how it works helps you to harmonize the moving pieces when designing...

Drupalcon Barcelona 2015: Symfony For Drupal Developers

Created September 22, 2015

One of the main advantages of Drupal 8's modernization and adoption of many Symfony components is that it is much easier for developers to jump...