DrupalCon Barcelona 2015: Tools for talking

Video Description

Communication skills, just like coding skills, can be supported, improved and mastered with the use of tools, strategies and approaches. While some people seem naturally gifted, others need to work to improve these skills. But all of us can learn to listen, to question, to clarify, and to make requests more effectively.

This session will outline a range of communication tools, techniques and approaches, but also ask the audience to work in small groups to talk about talking. How we do it, whether online, in text in our issue queues and chat tools, or by using voice and video, or in person at meetups and sprints. We will also explore the challenges presented by our tools, and by our cultural diversity.

My hope is that by having this conversation, and looking at "Tools for Talking" means we can all accept and embrace the challenge to improve how we communicate.

Note: This is a conversation. Not a presentation.
​Participants will be expected to share their own experiences too.