DrupalCon Barcelona 2015: What's your type?

Video Description

Type design is more than designing typefaces and Typography is something else than using fonts.

Type makes language visible. It conveys meaning through the shape of letters. Furthermore, it contributes to make our world a little bit more legible and comprenhensible.

It does not matter if paper or screen. Typography —and therefore type design— is currently one of the most important skills in order to make a good difference between a ‘default’ standard communication design from an appealing and engaging one.

Choosing the right typeface is one of the highlights of any piece of graphic design. Also, designing typefaces to render smoothly on screen or fit well enough for a sexy panties package is paramount.

This lecture/presentation does not pretend to give any clue or any recipe about how to use type but to provide some meaning about the use of type in visual communication.