
We were happy to see New England Drupal Camp’s focus in 2017 was Multilingual. As Drupal 8 has vastly improved multilingual capabilities, it has become easier and more accessible to deliver a multilingual website. This particular topic was detailed very we in a morning talk by Aimee Degnan of Hook42.

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Conference Videos

Configuration Management: Tips, Tricks & Perspective

Created November 18, 2017

Zachary Weishar Version control systems manage change in your application's code base, but what about changes to the database? Managing changes to...

Drupal 8's Migrate Api

Created November 18, 2017

Christopher Wells The Migrate API in Drupal 8 is a powerful framework for getting data into Drupal. But how does it really work? What is its...

How To Foster Team Success

Created November 18, 2017

Michael Miles The success of a project is not just the result of the framework that is chosen or the lines of code that are written. Success is also...

Accessibility For Developers: Code Samples And Solutions

Created November 18, 2017

Kathy Beck Knowing whether or not your site will meet accessibility standards is pretty easy to figure out, but knowing how to fix your code is less...

Dred(itor) The Issue Queue? Don't - It's Simple(lytest) To Git In!

Created November 18, 2017

AmyJune Hineline Every newbie dreams of being a contributor to the Drupal project. But where do you begin? And more importantly, what are some of...

Agile Design

Created November 18, 2017

Kelly Albrecht When "you never get a second chance to make a first impression," how do you design iteratively and "fail fast"? Designers...