A Tale of Two Templates - Going from Drupal 7 theming to Drupal 8 theming
Video Description
By Howard Tyson
Drupal 7 theming had not so much a learning curve as a learning brick wall, but that didn't stop you. You, intrepid reader, scaled that wall and now that you've arrived on the other side you know all about Drupal 7's theming system. You can make a D7 theme do anything you want! The problem is that any day now you know you're going to start working on Drupal 8 projects and everything is different and scary! Where to begin!? It's actually not so bad, we've got you covered.
If you knew how to do theming in Drupal 7 and are trying to figure out where to start in Drupal 8, this session is for you. We'll cover everything you need to know to bring your theming skillz current:
D8 yaml info syntax
Attaching CSS and Javascript globally or on a particular page
Adding CSS classes
Twig templating
Setting up breakpoints
Setting up template suggestions
Working with subthemes
The example super simple boom theme that I created for this session is available on github. See the 7.x and 8.x branches for comparison.
Audience Level:
Intermediate (install and configure modules/themes)
Front End & Design
Drupal 8
A basic understanding of Drupal 7 theming.
Drupal 7 theming had not so much a learning curve as a learning brick wall, but that didn't stop you. You, intrepid reader, scaled that wall and now that you've arrived on the other side you know all about Drupal 7's theming system. You can make a D7 theme do anything you want! The problem is that any day now you know you're going to start working on Drupal 8 projects and everything is different and scary! Where to begin!? It's actually not so bad, we've got you covered.
If you knew how to do theming in Drupal 7 and are trying to figure out where to start in Drupal 8, this session is for you. We'll cover everything you need to know to bring your theming skillz current:
D8 yaml info syntax
Attaching CSS and Javascript globally or on a particular page
Adding CSS classes
Twig templating
Setting up breakpoints
Setting up template suggestions
Working with subthemes
The example super simple boom theme that I created for this session is available on github. See the 7.x and 8.x branches for comparison.
Audience Level:
Intermediate (install and configure modules/themes)
Front End & Design
Drupal 8
A basic understanding of Drupal 7 theming.