Web Security: Tales from the Field
Video Description
By Michael hess
Become a web security detective and join us as we look at some cases of compromised websites drawn from real-life events. We'll cover four "tales" of hacked sites, from uncovering the hack, to tracking down the root cause, to mitigating the problem. You'll learn techniques for trouble-shooting hacked sites and increase your awareness of common attacks. This presentation is offered by members of the Drupal Security Team, a global team responsible for the security of the Drupal open-source content management platform.
Audience Level:
Beginner (just starting, know basic terminology, content creation)
Case Studies
Drupal 7
Become a web security detective and join us as we look at some cases of compromised websites drawn from real-life events. We'll cover four "tales" of hacked sites, from uncovering the hack, to tracking down the root cause, to mitigating the problem. You'll learn techniques for trouble-shooting hacked sites and increase your awareness of common attacks. This presentation is offered by members of the Drupal Security Team, a global team responsible for the security of the Drupal open-source content management platform.
Audience Level:
Beginner (just starting, know basic terminology, content creation)
Case Studies
Drupal 7